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Maximizing your earnings in a strong currency while keeping easy access to your money.
It is necessary to have an active checking account at BB Americas to request the opening of a Savings, Money Market or CD.
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¹This account does not issue checks. This account only offers e-statements. You must enroll in Online Banking within 30 days after the account is opened. Outgoing wire transfers can be conducted through our Online Banking. Wire transfers can only be sent from an e-Money Market account if you have an active account and signature card on file with the bank.
²Mobile Check Deposit: Customer must be enrolled in BB Americas Bank Online Banking. Maximum deposit dollar limit of $5,000.00 within a 5 business day period. If the total sum of multiple mobile check deposits within 5 business days exceeds the allowed deposit maximum of $5,000.00, exceeding amount will be made available in increments of up to $5,000.00 every 5 business days.
Total deposit will be made available on the next business day after the day of deposit, if made prior to the cut-off time. The bank’s cut-off time is 4:00 p.m. EST. Deposits made on a weekend, federal holidays or after the 4:00 pm EST cut-off time will be processed on the following business day. Mobile deposit is only available on iPhone or Android mobile devices with picture capabilities. Mobile message and data rates may apply. Please speak to a BB Americas Bank representative and/or refer to BB Americas Mobile Banking Terms and Conditions for more information.
Send Transfers to Brazil: Transfers must be made from a BB Americas Bank consumer Checking or Money Market account to a Banco do Brasil S.A. consumer account. A valid CPF is required for the beneficiary in Brazil.
Limits: Minimum Amount US$15; Maximum Daily Limit: Maximum equivalent to R$99.999,99 (Real); Monthly Maximum Amount: US$100,000.00 (Dollar)
ATMs: Visit www.bbamericas.com to find a BB Americas surcharge-free ATM.