Art Speaks For Itself

By adm.citrus7

Art Speaks for Itself will feature 10 wisely selected pieces that depict the individual work of Miami residents Nahila Campos and Daniela Wicki, and Brazilian-born Paula Gasparini-Santos. Cultural history and diversity are reflected in this exhibit through the heritage of the three artists. Campos, a Venezuela native with a background in architecture, utilizes her vast experiences and training in her depictions of cities and the world. Wicki, who was born in Peru, left a successful career as a lawyer to pursue her creative ambitions, which illustrate her sense of adventure. Gasparini-Santos, who pursued an education in psychology and art in California, finds refuge in her painting and hopes to inspire people with her personal expression.

Their art has appeared in galleries and shows both nationally and internationally, including exhibits in Miami, Los Angeles, New York, London, Italy, Switzerland and Venezuela. Through their collective talents and artistic expression, Art Speaks for Itself will examine themes of exploration and discovery and encourage self-reflection.

BB Americas Bank Cultural Series presents an expansive exhibition of three Latin American artists who explore the boundaries of art and the limits of imagination. Daniela Wicki’s photographs, Paula Santos’s paintings and Nahila Campos’s installations. Peruvian, Venezuelan and Brazilian artists exploring the boundaries of art and the limits of imagination.

Liana Rivas, curator invited for “Art Speaks for Itself” exhibition.