Update of Personal Information
By adm.citrus7
Keep your contact information updated at all times and stay up to date with BB Americas Bank.
Changing your e-mail address and US phone number to ensure fast communication and safe keeping of your account is easy, fast and secure. Simply login to your online account.
For email address update:
- Select “Administration” from the main menu bar;
- Scroll down to the “Self-Administration” and click “Manage contact preferences”;
- Press on “Change this address”;
- Enter and confirm the email address;
- Select “Save changes” to complete the update.
For phone number update:
- Select “Administration” from the main menu bar;
- Scroll down to the “Self-Administration” and click “Manage contact preferences”;
- Press “Change”;
- Select the label and country/region from the drop down and insert the telephone number;
- Select “Save changes” to complete the update.