1. Access the link below to complete the steps to sign up for VISA purchase alerts. https://purchasealerts.visa.com/vca-we/login Click on “Create Account”.
2. Enter the first 9 digits of the card number to check if the card is eligible. Then, click on “Check Eligibility”.
3. Message “This card is eligible” will display as shown in the below screenshot. You may then proceed to “Create your account”.
4. After you entered your first and last name, email address, and creating your username and password, an email will be sent to your email address to confirm your identity.
4. After you entered your first and last name, email address, and creating your username and password, an email will be sent to your email address to confirm your identity.
5. To add a card; you will enter your complete Card Number, Exp Date, Security Code, Card Nickname, First and Last Name, and Billing address. Click on Create Account.
6. After the card addition is complete, you will need to set the following:
Individual transaction amount thresholds.
Enter the whole dollar amount, no decimals.
International transactions.
Card-absent transactions, such as by telephone or online orders.
7. Sample Alert:
8. When needed, you will be able to change your Password or Email address, by accessing the option “Profile”.
9. Debit or Credit cards can be added to receive VISA Purchase Alerts by clicking on “ADD” through the “Cards” option. Also, a registered Debit or Credit Card can be edited to change its Exp. Date, Security Code, Card Nickname, and Billing address by clicking on “EDIT” through the “Cards” option.
9. Debit or Credit cards can be added to receive VISA Purchase Alerts by clicking on “ADD” through the “Cards” option. Also, a registered Debit or Credit Card can be edited to change its Exp. Date, Security Code, Card Nickname, and Billing address by clicking on “EDIT” through the “Cards” option.
10. Individual transactions amounts thresholds can be changed through the “Settings” Option.
11. After your settings have been updated successfully, the message “Your changes have been saved” will be displayed.